Certified Teachers Program

ARCI Teacher in Training Requirements

pic-manadala-3The tuition for ARCI School Teacher Training is $1997.00 (if you pay it all now). This may be split into nine monthly payments of $235.00 or three payments $700.00 every three months.

The tuition will include 4 Day TNT training class, all materials, and fees to 4 co-teachers who will work with you. Tuition is payable upon acceptance into the TNT program.

Contact the manager heading the programs if you have questions about meeting your certification requirements. Please note: ARCI is used to replace Akashic Records Consultants Intl. LLC.

Step 1 – Start the process:

  1. Have a current membership with ARCI.
  2. Active ARCI Certified Consultant.
  3. Fill out and email to ronir75@yahoo.com and akashiclove7@gmail.com
    • Letter of Intent
    • Request Letter of Recommendation from two active Certified ARCI Teachers. (To be emailed from teacher directly to ronir75@yahoo.com and akashiclove7@gmail.com

      The questions to be addressed in your letter of intention are as follows:

      1. What is my motivation behind my becoming a Certified ARCI Teacher?
      2. How can a partnership between ARCI and me be of long-term benefit?
      3. How has your personal relationship with the Akashic Records’ Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones changed since you began your work?
      4. In what other ways are you using the Akashic Records in your life now?
      5. How do you plan to teach the Akashic Records and maintain balance in all areas of your life? Give examples.
      6. What difference has working in the Akashic Records made in your life and within yourself?
      7. In what ways do you view this work as sacred to your personal development?
      8. Describe your current personal and professional practice with the Akashic Records.
      9. What other modalities, if any, are you currently involved with, and, how are they in harmony with your work in the Akashic Records?
      10. What is my commitment to uphold the purity of ARCI’s teaching?
      11. In what ways can we best support and assist you during your TNT program?

Please be sure to answer all of the above questions through your own Akashic Records in your letter of intention. The energy behind your words brings forth your essence thus declaring to the Lords of the Akashic Records, your desire to further your commitment to spiritual work, growth and change.

You are making a commitment to the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones of the Akashic Records, and to the organization that they lead, ARCI.

We embrace your unique and beautiful radiance, which only you possess. ARCI supports your calling to uphold the integrity and standards of our lineage within the Akashic Records.

Step 2:

Once the Akashic Records Consultants International, LLC managers receive all of your materials, the information will be presented to the Lords of the Akashic Records for ARCI.

It is through their divine guidance, that we are advised on how your special qualities, talents, and abilities with ARCI can mutually move into a supportive union. Notification regarding your TNT status will be emailed to you.

At this time please make arrangement to pay tuition.

Step 3:

When you are ready to receive the TNT program:

Steps to become an ARCI Certified Teacher

  1. Sign the Agreement of Dedication for TNT’s and email a copy to ronir75@yahoo.com and akashiclove7@gmail.com.
  1. Co-teach with an Active Certified ARCI Teacher each of the following classes:

    It is your responsibility to choose the Active Certified ARCI Teacher.

    If it is possible, please co-teach with more than one Active Certified ARCI Teacher. The agreement of co-teaching is to be created between you and the teacher for each class. It is suggested that there is a minimum of 10 students with a 60 for Certified Teacher and 40 for TNT split.



    The teacher is to email an evaluation (done through the Akashic Records) of the TNT and the TNT is to do a letter evaluation (through the Akashic Records) of the teacher to ronir75@yahoo.com and akashiclove7@gmail.com.

    There will be the four levels (I through 4) co-taught. For each of the 4 levels the TNT co-teaches with an Active Certified ARCI Teacher, the Certified ARCI Teacher will receive $200.00 from ARCI once evaluations are received.

  3. The next step in your TNT Training would be to attend the TNT training class. Dates for class will be specified later.
  4. TNT managers will present recommendations to the managers of ARCI, who will ask the Lords of the Akashic Records of ARCI for acceptance of your certification as an ARCI Certified Teacher. You will receive an email concerning your certification.
  5. Sign the Agreement of dedication for Certified Teacher. Once received by Home Office your certificate will be mailed to you. You are now a Certified ARCI Teacher and may teach your own ARCI classes.


As given by the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones of ARCI:

  1. Maintain active ARCI membership.
  2. Attend 24 hours of approved 2 day ARCI Conference, plus CE Teacher Training every other year.
  3. Administration fee to home office -10% of net per class.
  4. To support and create community it is essential for you to maintain regular contact with the Managers of ARCI.
  5. Order all Manuals, Certificates, Prayer Cards, and Grace Point Cards through home office. All ARCI copyright materials are not to be photo copied. Copyright will be enforced.
  6. IMPORTANT. Teach the Class Manuals FULLY, including the Grace Points and Prayers introduced in each Level of class.
  7. Class Rosters, Student Evaluations, Oaths, and Agreements are to be emailed to akashiclove7@gmail.com and after each class. These evaluations assist us in facilitating better Teacher Trainings.
  8. Post your classes on ARCI’s web site, www.learningakashicrecords.com. Utilize all networking tools that ARCI supplies for you. Email ARCI’s home office at akashiclove7@gmail.com, to do so. (Format for posting is class level, taught by, prerequisite, location, dates and time).

You are a revered teacher of the Akashic Records. Akashic Records Consultants International, LLC and the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones support your loving heart and dedicated spirit in taking this work out into the world. We are all truly blessed.